
click HERE

catwalK mOdels

*YOGYA chiamplas, baNdung

"misteRi RumaH tUa"

enjoice~ ^-^

* "jgn biaRkan hidUp anda di selubungi... miSteri" <--- kejadah!?? :

cOde naMe 11O11O

miSSion aCComplished ^-^

nazRi + nuRLeena

date : 1st & 2nd Jan 2010
place : tmn kencana (sOlemization)
dewan tan sri mahfoz khalid (receptiOn)



enjoice..! :)

hepi Nu yeaR 2O1O

perghh ujung/awal (2009/2010) merupakan time yg sgt bz tuk wa..
*nk hapdate blog nih pon xsmpat... :(

weeknd jer shoot.. shoot jer weeknd adehhh

so mission wa taun nih (in this case : "photography")
nk cari tone kaler tuk artwork wa plus xmo ngarut2 (tulis2) pjg2 dah..

*memandangkan carut2 (penulisan) nih bukan bidang wa.. letih nk pk ayat bai :">

"more picture, talk less... lets picture do the talking"

*antara tone yg wa tgh "test-try-error"

so lepas2 nih kalo ade tulis2 pon yg wajib2 jer..

sekian! :D

*nota kaki : hopefully wa jumpa la tone yg wa + org2 yg tgk artwork wa kenan sebelum masuk mid year of 2010 huuu....